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Are you looking for high quality, low prices and great service? We can relate. TOPMERCHANTS was established as a portal to carefully-selected online merchants, who offer unique and interesting products, as well as quality services. There are no closet organizers or long distance services or get-rich-quick schemes here. This is just an honest mall composed of independent merchants who have had businesses long before the Internet came along - and are using the power of the Internet to reach a wider audience.

Merchants pay no fee to be featured on this site - they simply have to adhere to certain standards with respect to security and quality of service, and offer unique and interesting products.

If you have any problems with a merchant featured on this site, contact us immediately and we will do our best to resolve the situation - this is an extra level of attention, protection and service!

At TOPMERCHANTS.COM, all of our merchants are hand-picked and represent the finest products with the most prompt and reliable service.

When you patronize a TOPMERCHANT, you can be assured that security and service are of the utmost importance.

TOPMERCHANTS share a number of important characteristics: